First Annual Holi Contest

Holi is a traditional Hindu celebration of spring and is commonly referred to as the Festival of Colors.  It is celebrated annually and on this year it will take place next week starting on March 8 and continuing for 2 days.


Holi is one of the most religious and meaningful holidays for the Hindu, since it lowers the normal inhibitions of their strict caste system, meaning that it is one of the few periods of the year that everyone (young and old, rich and poor) operates on the same level.


In honor of Holi, the festival of colors, I am having a “inspired” photo shoot.  Which means that I am offering a photo shoot to one lucky couple, family, or group of friends for the discounted rate of 50 dollars.  And with the interest already generated by the event I have decided to make it annual, with one group being chosen a year to participate in the celebration of color with me.


Now how will I choose who will win the First Annual Holi Photo Shoot?

I have decided to  have a picture contest.  So if you are interested in this discounted, super fun shoot please email me a picture you and the person (or people) who will be participating in the shoot at peepphotography2011[at]

Submissions will be accepted until Friday March 2 at 11:30 PM and all of the pictures will be up on Facebook on Saturday March 3 for VOTING.

Yes I said voting, the couple or family with the most votes by Saturday March 10 (the last day of Holi) wins the shoot.

Good Luck and Happy Holi!


P.S. Please think of who you are entering for the contest when you enter, you know your children better than I do and if there is a chance that they cannot handle having brightly colored powder poured over them, then please do not enter.  Or just enter for yourself and your significant other.  There is no need for crying children at Holi.